Children’s Book Packages

Children’s books play a vital role in inspiring and entertaining little ones to expand their imagination. KBook Publishing understands all this and gives your stories a chance to shine through.

Our children’s book publishing packages include creative cover designs, colorful illustrations, and effective marketing strategies to reach and engage young readers. Browse through our list of packages and choose the best fit for your book!

What Makes Our Self Publishing Packages Different?

Edit, illustrate, and publish entertaining books for little ones by choosing from an array of packages that best fit your publishing goals.

Children’s Storyteller
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One-on-one Author Support
Cover Design Custom Custom Elite
Personalized Back Cover
ISBN Assignment
Copyright Registration
Worldwide Book Distribution & Availability
E-Book Format and Distribution
Softcover Color Publishing
Amazon "Look Inside" and Google Preview
Barnes & Noble "Read Instantly"
Interior Book Design and Layout Standard Standard Elite
Bookstore Listing at KBook Publishing
Free Paperback Copies* 5 10 20
Hardcover Color Publishing
Personalized KBook Publishing Author Page
Custom Color Illustrations 5 10
Free Hardcover Books* 5 10
Promotional Materials (bookmarks, postcards, business cards) 100 200
Author Bio for Book Cover and Online Author Pages
Premium Press Release with Distribution to over 300+ online news outlets
Google + Facebook + Instagram Ads 30 days

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